On the Ground Essays + Reflections


Reflecting on Choreographers Connecting Across Cities

Dance Presenting Series Director and Curator Ellen Chenoweth reflects on Choreographers Connecting Across Cities, a networking platform that involved six cities and six institutions and curators to connect 80 artists:

The encounters felt fueling and reinvigorating for me, even over Zoom. It felt ok to be ragged and vulnerable… it felt unusual and wonderful to not have a project or a specific goal other than gathering and talking.

Responding to Paramoderntities

Artist and scholar Maggie Bridger shares her response and questions in the face of Netta Yerushalmy’s Paramodernities #6: The Choreography of Rehabilitation: Disability and Race in Balanchine’s Agon.

Responding to Paramodernities

Matthew Goulish and Lin Hixson, artists with Every house has a door, respond to provocations from Netta Yerushalmy’s Paramodernities #1: The Work of Dance in the Age of Sacred Lives, which is her response to Vaslav Nijinsky’s Le sacre du printemps (1913).

Building Community through Repertory

In the spring of 2021, the Dance Center reconfigured a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to shift from presenting the Trisha Brown Dance Company and Ronald K. Brown/EVIDENCE to instead have both companies set repertory on a group of students and Chicago dancers via Zoom.