See Chicago Dance Review: Artists pack a punch during Columbia College’s Chicago Artist Festival

See Chicago Dance’s Megan Kudla reviews the second weekend of our Chicago Artist Spotlight Festival! We included some excerpts here:

Thrown into the pages of a comic book, two femme superhero-like characters deliver punches and land blows to a sound score of WHACKs and THWAPs. The wind-sweeping battle turns into a playful catfight, which morphs into a fiercely sensual duet that is entangled with desire, temptation and resistance. It oozes with extraordinary power through both physical strength and sexuality. The competition in Erin Kilmurray & Kara Brody’s “Knockout” is cutthroat, but it’s the attraction that may be fatal…

Week 2 of the Dance Center of Columbia College’s Chicago Artist Spotlight Festival features the prowess of independent artists’ whose works could easily expand into separate evening-length presentations…a tantalizing taste of J’Sun Howard, Erin Kilmurray & Kara Brody and SJ Swilley’s experimental repertoire was presented on Apr. 26 at 7:30 p.m…

…Kilmurray & Brody neither lose focus nor let the intensity drop, so much that the observers may find themselves wrought with the same tension, hanging on to the intoxicating relationship that becomes more complex as it forges on….

…S.J. Swilley invites us to witness vulnerable self-exploration and choreographic excavation as they curate movement and express thoughts that surface organically. Granting us access to their stream of consciousness, Swilley showcases the laborious efforts of an actively composing artist, from answering questions about identity to searching for meaning within the dancing body…

…Howard’s “take carefully (or the world shatters when you don’t find your loved ones): Anemoia” begins upon entrance to a separate room within the Dance Center. A tent of delicate fabric with a mutating kaleidoscope projected onto one side encompasses two performers in a pink glow…

Read the whole review!